Over the last few years and, more specifically, the last few months, I've kinda whittled down my contribution to the club scene. To be more specific I try to avoid going to clubs unless I really, really have to.
Those of you who may know me personally know that my 9-5 career actually spills over quiet frequently into various mid-week 7pm to late efforts over the course of the allotted 7 days of the week. I'm often out at some random event repping my corporation and generally being in the presence of people who "think" they "sometimes" make a credible contribution to the growth of the South African Entertainment Business. Bare with me here, I'm hopefully getting to a relevant point....
Not too long ago, I opted to go check out the
Head Honcho driven TNT mix tape launch at the Premier club in Rivonia (the old Shoukara). I came through with the rest of the Mind Flow crew as this was the post carwash wrap party. It was also to give support to my dude Tibz as he's always co-signed most projects the crew has done in their individual capacities (also the Blackberry history that we share,but that's a story for another blog).
I digress, so there we were whiling out catching 2 young dudes from TNT doing their thing on stage. As chance would have it these were 2 young fellaz from CPT who were doing their thing and in my eyes rocking the crowd.
Now the nature of my job is to align "my corporate brand" with all the dope and credible genres/acts out there. Based on this, I frequently come under fire for my lack of support and backing for the SA Hip Hop scene (just setting you up so you can understand my next observation and context of my comment).
So anyway, young TNT dudes finish their set and get a seemingly dope reaction from the crowd. For a brief minute there, I thought: "Wow, Hip Hop is finally standing up and being business like-no drama and these young dudes are actually easy on the ear." My brief state of euphoria was then rudely shattered by a brief skirmish and sudden on stage presence of someone who is a seemingly well-known and, I guess, was a respected producer in the Hip Hop scene (till said incident) Not only did this gentleman proceed to grab the microphone from the performers, but he then went on to say the following (and I quote loosely here and challenge said producer to correct me if I am misrepresenting him) "Yo, that was good but ya'll know that that was not real Hip Hop...JHB got the real Hip Hop".
Aside from the cringe-worthy moment forced onto the artists and crowd at the event, this badly orchestrated Kanye West moment proved the following:
- Hip Hop as a business will never be taken seriously as long as comical incidents such as these continue to happen
- corporate South Africa will continue to look at Hip Hop as "the genre that houses idiots who wear oversized pants, big T-shirts,profanity laced lyrics and general off -handed hooligan behaviour that they cannot associate their brands with"
-this incident also proved, to a certain degree, why most corporates would rather throw their money to the indie rock, electro and house genre.
Anyone ever heard Black Coffee call out Oskido or the Parlotones pull a Kanye moment when the Dirty Skirts are on stage?
Ultimately my point, in closing, is that the potential for hip hop to grow and be recognised as a viable partner and tool for big corporates is there. The problems lie in the constant need for individuals to think of themselves only as opposed to the growth and development of the scene.
I represent a major international corporate with a strong presence in the music scene and I am personally a strong follower of Hip Hop (and an even stronger believer in the potential that SA Hip Hop has). However, I was disappointed and questioned my loyalty to the scene on that night. Now, imagine if I was a random corporate in a suite with no inkling of what Hip Hop was and you needed my money: on that night, I would have definitely backed the house scene.
Just my thoughts...